Liteicon mountain lion
Liteicon mountain lion

If you’re on the east coast and you’re not living in Florida, you probably won’t have to worry about mountain lions. I’ve read accounts where backpackers were leaped upon from above and the only thing that saved them was the fact that the mountain lion bit into their backpack rather than their neck. In fact, on the rare occasion that a hiker is attacked, it’s often from the rear. Once it pounces, it will attempt to deliver a lethal bite to the spinal cord of its prey. When it does attack, it will usually attack from the rear so that its prey does not see it coming. The mountain lion is a great hunter and will often stalk its prey for a while before actually attacking. In other areas of the country, they’re plentiful and hunting them is perfectly legal. These days,mountain lions are a protected species in some parts of the country and hunting them is forbidden. They once roamed all of North America but were almost hunted to extinction. These animals are highly adaptable and can live in forests, deserts, swamps, and of course, mountains. It also makes them four to five times heavier than them as well. This puts them at about three feet longer than the American bobcat. They can weigh over 200 pounds and can be as long as 9 feet, including their tail. These animals can be light brown, tan or even light gray. Panthers, cougars, pumas, painters, and catamounts are all just mountain lions by different names. What Not to Do During a Mountain Lion Encounter.What to Do if You Encounter a Mountain Lion.Steps to Take Before Venturing Into Mountain Lion Territory.What States Have the Most Mountain Lions.

Liteicon mountain lion